A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...

Send your thousand words to Sorella Langham at the following address:

Until May in the Missionary Training Center:
Sister Rebecca Leigh Langham
Italy Milan Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84606

And from May 2010 until September 2011:
Sister Rebecca Leigh Langham
Italy Milan Mission
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI

Friday, April 2, 2010

Letter from Rebecca, March 9, 2010

Ciao from the MTC! It’s been a very long and very busy week, but also very awesome. The spirit here is always so strong, we learn so much every day. In class we’ve been watching these video clips from an art project called 6 Billion Others. They are so awesome; if you get a chance you should really check it out.

We are in class all day long, from 7:30 am until 9:30 pm, with breaks for meals and gym. Even our p-days, Tuesday, are jam packed with things to do. I am beginning to realize that they truly are preparation days, and not days off.

My district is really fun. At first I was super nervous about being shut up in a room all day with a bunch of 19-year-old boys, but our anziani (Elders) are actually pretty cool and not too bad. One of them, Anziano Zanni, is from Argentina! He said he’s from San Juan, which I think he said was near Cordoba…sound familiar? Was it in your mission, mom? There are five sisters and eight elders in my district, so the classroom is pretty packed. Our two teachers are Fratello (Brotehr) Tilini and Fratello Clarke. They are very different from each other and they make a good combo (they never are there together, usually one in the morning and one in the evening) because by the time you get tired of one teaching style a different one comes. It makes for a nice variety.

I am lucky that I took some Italian before. At this point I am quite a bit ahead of most of our district, and certainly am more fluent than many others. I am in a trio with Sorella Shuel and Sorella Costley. After one week we are really starting to get along pretty well and have a good time together. Yesterday we taught the first lesson to Italian-speaking volunteer “investigators” in the TRC. We seemed to work really well together as a companionship and it turned out to be a very powerful spiritual experience for all of us. We taught our investigators how to pray and asked one of them to give our closing prayer. She asked if I would help her, so I sort of prompted her along, and it was a very powerful prayer when she prayed to know if our message was true. We “left” her a Book of Mormon and she sounded like she was excited to read from it and “see” us again next week. It was really neat, and really helped us draw closer as a companionship.

On my very first day, the Sister missionary assigned to greet me and show me to my room ended up being Sister Jordan Smith, a friend from my study abroad in London! That was really neat, and made me feel much less nervous. (Tender mercy? I think so. This truly is God’s work, and His hand is in every detail of it!)

I still can’t roll my r’s, so sometimes I use gym time just to practice. I go up to the track and walk around it trying and trying – I mostly only end up making a ton of weird noises. I’ve had several people ask me if I was ok! I guess it must not sound like a rolled r yet. I’ll keep trying.
Mom, I loved your note. It made me happy. The only other letter I’ve gotten is from Andrea, which was nice. I also found her note she left on the underside of the shelf in the custodial closet on my first night, which also made me feel more welcome.

Tonight will be my first MTC devotional with a general authority. Rumor has it that Elder Holland will be coming. But I’ve been told that that’s the rumor every week, so I’m not getting my hopes up just yet.

I love you. Please write.

Love, Sorella Langham

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